Right Where You Are

faith growing inspiration kindness learning love reassurance Nov 06, 2022
God's love

Right Where You Are

What do you have to share as a woman of God that you are learning this year: 

I’m learning over and over this year that Jesus really does meet you right where you are

When you are throwing a temper tantrum because life isn’t playing out how you expected, when you’re having to share your experiences with all kinds of unwelcomed emotions, when He doesn’t feel near like He once did, when you’re blaming Him for all of this and more… He still meets you there. 


He’s not far despite my contrary feelings or failing human understanding. He’s not keeping his distance because of His distaste for my mood. He’s actually closer to me than anyone else could ever be. He’s not phased by my angry words, my fowl faces, my disappointment or disillusionment of life’s display. He’s not offended by my weakened strength in the storm. 

He knows my fragile heart, my fickle faith. He isn’t keeping a tally of my wins and losses as I wander, wondering if He is indeed who He says He is. If He can really be safe.. 

He’s not taking inventory of the fruit I’m bearing (or not bearing) in the desert, just waiting to disqualify me from the race for a misstep or not measuring up. He’s just asking me to receive water in a bewildered state. To recognize my weakness so I can glory in His strength. To taste and see His goodness in the land of the living when my heart is discouraged or my mind is dogged with worry. 

He wants me to really live the redeemed and renewed life that Jesus paid for… that can only come when I draw from the Well outside myself. He wants me to trust that HE is someone who still gives His goodness, gifts and grace when I act the least deserving. He doesn’t withhold Himself on my account. It’s not His nature. His character is not a response to mine. Selah. 

He will continue to be the Gospel to me, to give out of the abundance of what was bought with the blood of Jesus. To remind me, JESUS already paid the price for ALL my offenses. To tell me that I am FREE. Free to be found exactly where I am without fear of rejection or failure beyond repair. I am free to react and respond to an unreconciled world and know He weeps with me.  He is making all things right in His time. 

He will bring tangible arms around me to be His own in moments where I am the most vulnerable, the most unlovable… the most unfair. He will always hug me. 

He will quiet me with His love and sing sweet songs over me. Not because I deserve it or have in any way earned it… but because HE is love. Unbridled and unconditional… as far as the east is from the west He disposes of my sin and He will not act contrary to who He is. He won’t stop showing the heights and depths of His love for me. 

He is HOLY - and yet, because Jesus tore the veil, He is completely in our midst, even here, making my heart His tabernacle.  He won’t miss a moment to cry, comfort, cradle and caress me back to praising Him simply because of who He is. He is Love, right where you are. 

A reflection song:

Sinking Deep - Hillsong

Standing here in Your presence

In a grace so relentless

I am won

By perfect love

Wrapped within the arms of heaven

In a peace that lasts forever

Sinking deep

In mercy's sea


I'm wide awake

Drawing close

Stirred by grace

And all my heart is Yours

All fear removed

I breathe You in

I lean into Your love

Oh, Your love


When I'm lost You pursue me

Lift my head to see Your glory

Lord of all

So beautiful


Here in You I find shelter

Captivated by the splendor

Of Your face

My secret place


I'm wide awake

Drawing close

Stirred by grace

And all my heart is Yours

All fear removed

I breathe You in

I lean into Your love

Oh, Your love


Your love so deep

Is washing over me

Your face is all I seek

You are my everything

Jesus Christ

You are my one desire

Lord hear my only cry

To know You all my life


Love so deep

Is washing over me

Your face is all I seek

You are my everything

Jesus Christ

You are my one desire

Lord hear my only cry

To know You all my life


I'm wide awake

Drawing close

Stirred by grace

And all my heart is Yours

All fear removed

I breathe You in

I lean into Your love

Oh, Your love

I love the line “Sinking deep in Mercy’s sea” married with the bridge of the song I walked down the aisle to, Sail… “I let out the sails  of my heart, here I am, here you are.” God meets me in His mercy as I learn to let out the sails of my heart in His love. Amen!




by Caroline Willingham


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