Not Understanding, Distractions, and Failures

boundaries faith growing inspiration learning obedience Aug 30, 2023
The Inspired Belles
Not Understanding, Distractions, and Failures

Does it ever frustrate you to no end when things just don’t make sense? Things are just not lining up? Or, when things are happening and it just seems so bizarre, it’s crazy? 

You’re trying to understand what’s happening. Do you ever catch yourself trying to rationalize what is happening around you? I know I did a lot and I still catch myself from time to time but I’m really making a concerted effort to stop decades worth of saying, “Well, I just don’t understand.”

Well, let's think about this. If things are happening around us – and this is just one example – that are not of God, they’re evil, right?  If they’re not from The Father, they are from the enemy. So, they’re evil. Not the person doing the things, but the spirit behind it. The word says do not lean on your own understanding, so why the heck are we trying to understand evil around us?  We’re not meant to understand the evil around us. We can’t. We literally can’t because it’s evil. 

We CAN pray for them. We can pray for the spirit behind whatever the heck is going on but we are not meant to sit there and understand and debate our way through, deliberate our way through, scenario this, scenario that, our way through someone is doing something or why something continues to happen. That’s not from The Father but from the enemy. I’m saying this from the perspective of… Do you ever notice how many times you might say, “I just don’t understand” or “I’m trying to understand?” 

You can listen to what someone has to say, but that doesn’t mean you have to agree with them. We are still allowed to hold to our beliefs and when you allow toloernce to things that do not line up with the Word of God - you are fearing the enemy more than you are God. That is a scary place for Christans to be BUT the good news is - God is on the winning side - in fact, HE HAS ALREADY WON. So to align back up with the Father, Son, Holy Spirit is very simple.

A few years ago, I just noticed myself saying “I just don’t understand” a lot. And then I kept just feeling in my spirit, do not lean on your own understanding.  

Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;  in all your ways acknowledge him, and He will make your paths straight.”

So we are truly not lean on our own understanding. I was sitting there trying to deliberate my way through, trying to wrap my head around something, and frankly that wasn’t my job.  That wasn’t what I needed to be doing. It became a distraction

So don’t let things that you don’t understand become a distraction. Ask The Lord, “Is this even for me to know?” You can pray a hedge of protection around something. You can pray through something if it’s something you feel you need to pray through. But, I encourage you to take, just take it back to The Father.  “Lord, is this even for me to know? Or is this even for me to understand?” Because, if the answer is no, then it’s like, clean your hands of it, in a healthy way. Get back to what He wants you to be doing. Don’t let the enemy distract you with the things of this world. 

This leads us into failure. What if failure wasn’t determined by the outcome but failure was whether you tried or not? So instead of “Oh, I tried out for so and so,” or “I started this project,” or “I did ______ (fill in the blank) but I didn’t do good at it.” The failure piece doesn’t need to be defined by whether or not you got the part or got the spot on the team or made the team or whatever, but simply that you just tried and were obedient to the Father

That perspective in itself brings freedom. It keeps you in alignment with the Father. It keeps you on track and not distracted from what the enemy may be throwing your way!

by Kelly Osment


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